INFJs are creative nurturers who value honesty and want to help others succeed.

They’re always looking for new ways to help others, and they genuinely believe in their ability to make a difference. INFJs are often good at reading people, so they can usually sense how someone is feeling before they even have a chance to express it themselves. Although they’re sensitive souls, INFJs can be quite secretive when it comes to their own ideas and feelings – preferring to only share them with those they trust completely.

What does INFJ stands for?

INFJ stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest in the world, making up only 1-2% of the population. People with this type of personality are often seen as compassionate and idealistic, always looking for ways to make the world a better place. They are quick to see potential in others and are often drawn to helping others reach their full potential.

While they may seem shy or reserved at first glance, INFJs are actually very passionate people who care deeply about causes that are important to them. They have a strong moral compass and a deep need for meaning and purpose in their lives.

Combination of personality traits in INFJ

Here are the personality traits of an INFJ:

1. Dominant: Introverted Intuition

The dominant trait of an INFJ personality is introverted intuition. This allows them to see beyond the surface of things and understand the hidden meanings and patterns. They are often good at foreseeing future events and trends.

2. Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling

This means that INFJs are compassionate and caring individuals who are attuned to the emotions of others. They value harmony and often work hard to maintain relationships.

3. Tertiary: Introverted Thinking

The tertiary function of introverted thinking gives INFJs a critical mind. They are often able to see both sides of an issue and find creative solutions to problems. However, they can also get bogged down in analysis paralysis if they overthink things too much!

4. Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

Lastly, the inferior function of extraverted sensing can make INFJs somewhat scattered and disorganized at times. This is because they tend to live more in their heads than in the real world. However, it also makes them highly aware of their surroundings and able to pick up on subtle details that others might miss.

Personality type of INFJs in detail

INFJ is the rarest personality type. Their unique combination of qualities can make them mysterious and misunderstood as found in several surveys. They’re also sincere, sympathetic, and easy-going, but also reserved and patient

INFJs are also likely to pursue further education after college. This could be due to their thirst for knowledge and understanding and need for personal growth. INFJs are more likely to cope with stress through therapy than other types.

While this sound great on paper, no one is perfect. INFJs have the highest level of marital discontentment, meaning they’re more likely to be unhappy in their relationships.

When it comes to what truly matters in life, INFJs typically prioritize spirituality, learning, and community service. These are just a few examples of values that are important to them; however, each INFJ will have their own unique set of values that will guide them through life.

Hobbies and interests

Here are some of the common hobbies and interests of INFJs:

  • Reading: INFJs are usually avid readers, and they often have a wide range of interests that they enjoy exploring through reading. They may enjoy learning about history, psychology, or anything that allows them to better understand the human condition.
  • Writing: Writing is another popular hobby for INFJs. They may enjoy creative writing, journaling, or even blogging as a way to express themselves and connect with others who share their interests.
  • Music: Music is often a source of inspiration and comfort for INFJs. They may enjoy listening to all kinds of music, but they typically prefer more mellow, introspective genres like folk or ambient electronic music.
  • Appreciating Nature: Appreciating nature is also important to INFJs. They may find solace in spending time outdoors, surrounded by trees and plants. Gardening can be a therapeutic activity for them, as it combines their love of nature with their desire to create something beautiful.
  • Cooking and baking: Any INFJs enjoy cooking and baking as a way to relax and show their creative side. They typically prefer simple recipes that allow them to experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

Strengths and weaknesses

INFJs is one of the rarest personality types and here are the strengths and weaknesses of this personality type.


Here are some of the strengths of INFJs:

  • Practical insight: INFJs are gifted with an uncanny ability to see into the future and identify potential problems long before they arise. This practical insight is one of the INFJ’s major strengths, and it allows them to take decisive action when necessary in order to avoid disaster.
  • Compassion: INFJs are highly compassionate people, always quick to lend a helping hand or offer words of comfort. Others often turn to INFJs in times of need because they know they will be met with understanding and compassion.
  • Keeping the peace: INFJs are peacemakers by nature and prefer to resolve conflict through diplomacy rather than force. They are patient listeners and can easily see both sides of any issue, which makes them ideal mediators.
  • Decisiveness: Despite their gentle demeanor, INFJs are actually quite decisive when it comes to making decisions. They have a strong sense of intuition which guides them in all aspects of life, including decision-making.


Here are some of the weaknesses of INFJs:

  • Overlooking details: INFJs are big-picture thinkers. We often see the world in terms of patterns and relationships, rather than individual details. While this can be a strength, it can also lead us to overlook important details.
  • Intensely private: INFJs are notoriously private people. We often keep our deepest thoughts and feelings to ourselves, even from those closest to us. This can make us seem aloof or even uninterested in others.
  • Conflict averse: INFJs generally dislike conflict and tension. We may go out of our way to avoid arguments or disagreements, even if it means compromising our own needs or desires.
  • Sensitive: INFJs are highly sensitive people. We tend to feel things deeply and take on the emotions of those around us. This can be overwhelming at times, and we may need more time alone than other personality types to recharge our batteries

Career Options

INFJs are some of the most compassionate and driven people you’ll ever meet. They have a strong sense of right and wrong, and they strive to make the world a better place for everyone.

Careers to choose as an INFJ

  1. HR Manager
  2. Clinical Psychologist
  3. Counselor
  4. Social Worker
  5. Technical Writer
  6. Writer
  7. Graphic Designer
  8. Animator
  9. Interior Designer
  10. Librarian
  11. Nutritionist
  12. Product Manager

Careers to avoid as an INFJ

  1. Military Officer
  2. Police Officer
  3. Firefighter
  4. Paramedic
  5. Sales Manager
  6. Restaurant Manager
  7. Technician
  8. Factory Supervisor
  9. General Contractor
  10. Real Estate Broker
  11. Mechanical Engineer
  12. Electrical Engineer


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