ISTPs are observant artists who like troubleshooting. They use flexible thinking to solve difficulties in their contexts. Their autonomous, adaptive nature helps them respond to crises rapidly.

ISTPs are known for their observational skills and their ability to troubleshoot. When they encounter a problem, they’re able to quickly come up with an innovative solution that takes into account the specific context they’re in.

Let us know more about this personality type and what are their career options.

What does ISTP stands for?

ISTP stands for Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving. The ISTP personality type is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs types. People with this personality type are introverts who prefer to live in the moment and make decisions based on logic and facts rather than emotions. They are often excellent at problem solving and enjoy working with their hands.

ISTPs are often drawn to careers in engineering, science, or mathematics where they can use their logical minds to solve problems. They may also be interested in adventurous activities such as rock climbing or Bungee jumping which allow them to test their limits.

Combination of personality traits in ISTP

Here are the personality traits of an ISTP:

1. Dominant – Introverted Thinking

The dominant personality trait for an ISTP is introverted thinking. This means that ISTPs tend to internalize their thoughts and ideas more than externalize them. ISTPs are often quiet and reserved, but they can also be quite spontaneous when they need to be.

2. Auxiliary – Extraverted Sensing

The auxiliary personality trait for an ISTP is extraverted sensing. This means that ISTPs take in information from the world around them more than from their internal thoughts or emotions. ISTPs like to live in the moment and experience life fully. They may seem impulsive at times, but usually only because they have carefully considered all of their options before acting.

3. Tertiary – Introverted Intuition

The tertiary personality trait for an ISTP is introverted intuition. This means that while ISTPs generally prefer to focus on the here-and-now, they also have a strong ability to understand abstract concepts and see potential outcomes clearly. When given time alone to ponder a problem,ISTPs can come up with creative solutions that others might not think of.

4. Inferior – Extraverted Feeling

The inferior personality trait for an ISTP is extraverted feeling which can sometimes lead them into hot water as this tends to clash with their independent thinking nature. As mentioned before ISTPs like to be in control of their own lives and make their own decisions however when it comes to making decisions that will affect other people ISTPs can sometimes have trouble as they may not take into account how others will feel about certain things.

Personality Type of ISTPs in details

ISTPs seem to have a drive to understand how the world works. They want to know what makes things tick and are often very good at taking things apart and putting them back together again. This fascination with machinery, instruments, and equipment can lead them to becoming masters of these objects by studying how they function.

At the same time, ISTPs also crave enlightenment in a practical sense. They don’t want abstract theories – they want to use their technical knowledge in a way that is meaningful to them. This desire for knowledge often leads ISTPs into careers where they can put their skills to use, such as engineering or mechanics.

However, while ISTPs may be excellent at understanding technical systems, they often prefer mechanical reasoning over emotional complexity. This can make them seem insensitive or uninterested in other people’s feelings.

Hobbies and interests

Here are some of the common hobbies and interests of ISTPs:

  • Scuba Diving:ISTPs are natural aquarium and oceanographers. They love the thrill of diving into unknown depths, and they’re always excited to explore new underwater terrain. Scuba diving is the perfect hobby for them, as it allows them to indulge their adventurous side while also providing a chance to learn more about the world around them.
  • Photography:ISTPs have an eye for detail and a knack for capturing moments in time. They may not be the most talkative people, but their photos speak volumes about their inner thoughts and feelings. Photography is the perfect way for ISTPs to express themselves and share their unique perspective with the world.
  • Traveling:ISTPs are curious souls who love to explore new places and cultures. They’re always up for a road trip or adventure, and they thrive on spontaneity. Traveling is the perfect way for ISTPs to satisfy their wanderlust and learn more about different people and places.
  • Woodworking:ISTPs are skilled craftsmen who take pride in their workmanship. They love working with their hands, and they have a talent for creating functional and beautiful objects out of wood. Woodworking is the perfect hobby for ISTPs who want to exercise their creativity while also producing something tangible that they can use or enjoy.

Strengths and weaknesses

Just like their ISTJ counterpart, ISTPs also have some unique strengths and weaknesses.


Here are some of the strengths of ISTPs:

  • Practical and creative:ISTPs are resourceful and practical people who enjoy coming up with creative solutions to problems. They are often good at troubleshooting and fixing things, and enjoy working with their hands.
  • Adventurous:ISTPs are often attracted to dangerous or exciting activities. They may enjoy being Harley riders, downhill skiers, sky divers, or bungee jumpers.
  • Flexible and spontaneous:ISTPs generally prefer to live in the moment and take things as they come. They don’t like planning too far in advance or being tied down by rules and regulations. Their flexibility allows them to adapt easily to changing circumstances and new ideas. ISTPs also tend to be very spontaneous people who enjoy surprising others with their impulsive actions.


Here are some of the weaknesses of ISTPs:

  • Insensitive:ISTPs are often insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. They may be unaware of how their words or actions are affecting people, and they may unintentionally hurt or offend others. Additionally, ISTPs may have difficulty express their own emotions, and they may seem cold or distant to those who don’t know them well.
  • Impatient:ISTPs can be very impatient, especially when it comes to things that they’re not interested in. They may have trouble sitting through long meetings or listening to someone who is rambling on about something that doesn’t interest them.
  • Disorganized:ISTPs often prefer to live in the moment and go with the flow, which can result in them being disorganized and messy. Their living spaces may be cluttered and chaotic, and they may have trouble keeping track of their belongings (and other people’s belongings).

Career Options

ISTPs are highly independent individuals who like to have a high degree of control over their work. They want to be competent in their trade and enjoy mastering the tools they use, whether they’re conventional tools like hammers and saws or more modern business or technological tools.

Careers to choose as an ISTP

  1. Airline Pilot
  2. Biologist
  3. Geologist
  4. Flight Engineer
  5. Civil Engineer
  6. Mechanical Engineer
  7. Electrical Engineer
  8. Air Traffic Controller
  9. Financial Manager
  10. Software Developer
  11. Commercial Designer
  12. Economist

Careers to avoid as an ISTP

  1. Craft Artist
  2. Reporter
  3. Journalist
  4. Actor
  5. Urban Planner
  6. Dentist
  7. Receptionist
  8. Graphics Designer
  9. Surgeon
  10. Clerk

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