8 Tips to handle stress and anxiety before an exam interview

It’s exam week, and you’re feeling stressed. You’ve been working hard, preparing for this day—and now it’s time to show what you know. Your heart is racing, the palms of your hands are sweaty, and all you can think about is how badly you want this test over and done with so that your mind can rest for a while. But I have good news: there are plenty of things you can do to reduce stress levels before an important test or interview that will help make it go more smoothly!

Here are my top 8tips for managing stress and anxiety before exams or interviews:

1. Make a plan and prioritize.

You don’t want to be in the situation of having tons of things to do and no idea what you should do first, so it’s best to make a list of everything you need to get done and prioritize it. This way, you won’t get overwhelmed by your workload; instead, you’ll have an easy-to-follow plan that’ll help keep all the balls in the air, so nothing falls through the cracks. This is one of the best ways to avoid stress and anxiety in the first place.

2. Organize your study space.

You need a space that is free of clutter and the things you don’t need (clothes, accessories, food). You want to make sure that your study space is quiet and void of distractions. It should also be well-lit and comfortable.

If you’re used to studying in bed or on the couch, try out a different place that’s more conducive to having a clear head as well as fewer distractions – but don’t push yourself too hard! Some people prefer studying in a library because they have fewer distractions so they can concentrate better than at home or in other places where there might be more going on around them. You really don’t need any kind of stress and anxiety treatment if you organize your study space from the start.

3. Take time to relax.

Relaxation is another key component of managing stress and anxiety. Taking time to relax is not just about unwinding, but also about recharging your batteries. In some cases, this means physical activity such as walking or running. For others, it’s more passive like reading something light and fun or taking a nap in the afternoon.

Just as important as how you choose to relax is how long you decide to do so for—the longer you allow yourself to relax before an exam or interview respectively, the better off you’ll be when it comes time for those challenges!

Taking time to relax will help you to score low in all depression anxiety stress scales.

4. Don’t study too much at once.

You should not study for too long. If you study for too long, it will be difficult to retain the information in your brain. The best way to overcome this is by creating a schedule that allows you to add new material into your memory every day. You should start with about 20 minutes of studying and then increase that time by 10 minutes as the test gets closer.

If possible, try not to take any breaks from studying during this time period; however, if necessary, take short breaks (about 5 minutes) every hour or two so that you can get some fresh air and have something else occupy your mind before returning back home again!

You might not have realized it but not studying too much at once is the best treatment for stress and anxiety.

5. Get enough sleep before the test or interview and eat a healthy breakfast on test day.

A good night’s sleep before the exam can help you feel more alert and focused. If you are a teenager, get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night. For adults, 7 to 9 hours is recommended.

If possible, make sure to eat breakfast about 2 hours before the test starts so that your body has time to digest it before beginning the exam. It is best not to eat sugary foods or caffeine in the morning before an important test like this because they can make you jittery or hyperactive during your test time.

This tip can prove extremely beneficial to avoid stress and anxiety before any kind of test or interview.

6. Gather what you need the night before and put it in one place

If you’re heading to an interview or exam, gather everything that you’ll need and put it in a single place so that you don’t forget anything when the time comes. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed, that all of your documents are organized and ready to go. If there’s anything else that helps calm your nerves before an event like this—like some aromatherapy essential oils or a favorite tea—make sure to have those on hand as well!

Avoiding the chaos in the exam or interview morning can greatly help in managing stress and anxiety.

7. If you’re feeling anxious, talk to your family, friends

If you’re feeling anxious, talk to your family and friends. The worst thing you can do is keep all the stress bottled up inside of yourself. Talk about it! If you have a friend who has been through similar experiences, ask them for advice. If not, there are plenty of other people who can help out. Talk to someone from the past who has had success in this area so far – they will be able to provide some perspective and encouragement for when times get tough in the future.

Talking to your loved ones is the best stress and anxiety treatment that you could ever come across.

8. Turn off your phone and other devices that might distract you from studying/preparing!

You may find that turning off your phone can help you stay focused on studying or preparing for an exam or interview. If it’s necessary to use your phone, put it in another room and use a timer (or set a reminder on an app) so that you know when to take a break from studying.

This tip will greatly help you in managing stress and anxiety during your study or interview preparation time.


We hope that these tips have been helpful in your quest to avoid stress and anxiety. There are many stress and anxiety treatments, but you can manage it without needing to go through them. There is also no best treatment for stress and anxiety as it wildly varies from person to person.

Remember, it’s okay not to be perfect, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all this information, but if you think about this in your free time you are sure to take something valuable out of this article. If you think that we have missed any of the tips then feel free to mention it down in the comments section.

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